Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Revenge of The Construction Workers


So, I've been without internet access for yet another three fucking days. It's not that I need it or something. Rrrrr.
The amazing and mindbogging part of it is, this time, the Deutsche Telekom is innocent. Seems like the construction workers who are redoing the street that's connecting us to the rest of the world and who are completely shutting down the street (forcing us to drive literally through the woods to get to work/grocery store/whatever and back, an extra of five fucking kilometers each time), have just veered off a leeeetle too much to the side, disconnecting the phone lines that were just innocently lying beyond the ground. *Rrriip* no telephone and dsl for about 800 people. Classy.
And the really sad part is, we were lucky they didn't hit the water pipes again. Originally, the major overhaul of our road wasn't due until 2012. Until some other construction workers broke the major water pipe in our neighboring village a few months ago. Which cost us water for a day(and ruined the street). And THIS was just two days after a three-hour blackout. I shit you not.

No, I'm not done ranting yet. Today, I had to drive to Uni. Usually, I'd just take the bus, which is free for me, but I couldn't, because my student ID had expired. Well, why didn't you pick up your new ID at your uni the week before the old one expired, Teshik, you say? Oh, why, I tried, dear beloved reader, two times. Only to discover on the first day they weren't ready yet, and that the employee handing them out was sick the other day. Did I mention they only give them out on weekdays between 11 and 12 in the first place? AUUGGGHH.
So, I drove there by car. No sweat, you'd think, since the Uni is only 40 kilometers from my home, which translates to roughly an hour of driving.
And you'd think wrong. Apparently, the Great Conspiracy Of The Construction Workers decided today to be the perfect day to shut off a part of the highway, what with me innocently driving around in my car and all. Of course, I saw through their evil plan of keeping me of my ID yet again, and took the no-highway-route. And OF COURSE I played right into their trap, because they'd set up yet ANOTHER construction site right there, shutting down one lane. You know what this meant?

Instant Traffic Death.

Two excruciating hours of driving. And THEN, the little guy in my radio told me that today, they will defuse an old World War II bomb again. And the evacuation zone was put between me and the Uni.

At this point, I was thisclose to just pull over unto the sidewalk and have a good, long cry. Oh wait, I'm almost out of hankerchiefs, better not. Instead, I called my mom.

Teshik's Mom: Hello?
Teshik: Hi Mom. Mom?
Teshik's Mom: Yeah?
Teshik: This entire planet hates me.
Teshik's Mom: Errr...Do you wanna talk about it?
Teshik: Not right now. Listen, I will be late in picking you up from office.
Teshik's Mom: Oh. How much later?
Teshik: Err. You got a sleeping bag with you?

So, after taking another detour, I was allowed to park a few blocks away from Uni(the police was rerouting traffic) and arrived at the 12.15. Thankfully, the girl at the office was still there, and gave me my ID. Thank You, Random Uni Employee. You kinda saved my day.

Then, I took the detour for the bomb again, the highway detour again, stood in the jam for another fucking hour(the highway had a jam of 16 kilometers and my alternate route about ten, the radio said later), finally got my mom (who worked two hours overtime that day), took the detour to get to a frickin' grocery store, and finally, the detour to gain access to our home village.

Is it any wonder I don't like to leave the house any more?

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