Friday, July 21, 2006

Global Warming sucks

What? You expect me to actually type something here? Dude, get real. It has been 40.5 fucking degrees today, Celsius, in a country where a Summer Of the Decade is defined as "10 to 15 days with temperatures over 30 degrees". Not "at least 25 such days up to July 21st". A country where air conditioning is "that fancy thingy they have in some malls and maybe new cars, but certainly not at home or the workplace". And where "rain" is the weather default. It's been thirteen days without precipitation, and 19 since some honest to god rain that lasted longer than two friggin' minutes. I'm having withdrawal symptoms here, people!
Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating. But the fact remains that it's 10 p.m. and it's still 27 fucking degrees. Blearch.

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