Sunday, May 09, 2010

Errr....I'm....back? Maybe...

*yawn* *smack, smack* Ah, what a delightful little nap. I wonder what time it is. Oh. Sunday. In May? In Two-thousand-fucking-ten?!? Wasn't it just November a minute ago? I feel cheated. Oh well.

Time to log on into ye Olde PC of mine...wonder whats on the email. Hm. Spam... spam...spam - ooh, "enlardge you're mennly provess!"[sic] - special spam, spam, spam, online game whining i've been off for several weeks, spam, spam, same o-game deleting my account due to whatever. Not important, anyway. Hm. I've forgotten something. Is it my laundry? No. I mean, yes, there is a big huge fucking heap of laundry in my bathroom gaining sentience right now, but that's not it. Man, that's gonna bother me all day. Is it something at work? No, cell phone would have gone off two hours ago, at least. I vaguely associate shame and guilt with that feeling. Hm. What could it be...*looks down* Nope, wearing pants, nope, no underwear on my head. ...This time.

Dammit. this can't be anything important, can it? Have I payed all my bills? Yes. Watered the plants? least sometime this decade. Fed the birds? *watches bird poop onto his own waterbowl* - well, certain output requires certain input. *sigh* Check. Dentist appointment? No, I'm forgetting that on purpose. Hm. It'll come to me eventually. I'll just pass the time cleaning up my internet favorites. *sniff, sniff* eww, what's reeking like rotten fish in here? Oh. My blog - and that little internet forum where I'm still moderator...



Hello, My name is Teshik Nakatani. You may remember me from films like "Burn, deutsche Telekom, burn", "I am totally going to finish that fanfic this year, honest", and the instant classic "Whine, my life sucks, waaah". And I think I just recovered from a near death experience of my web persona.

Web persona death are quite common, due to the anonymous and, let's face it, flimsy nature of the internet. People in forums post quite often at first, then more and more infrequent, and after a while they simply fade into the background, never to be heard of, again. I'm willing to bet that 80 per cent of the entire blogosphere is made of blogs containing 5 posts or less, abandoned at least several month ago. Web pages, social networks, you name it. All of them are susceptible to the dreaded Real-Life-Desease.

The Reasons are numerous. You got a new girl - or boyfriend, or broke up with him/her. You may realize that posting vids of yourself on YouTube might be hazardous to your carreer. You get a new job, start or finish college, the person collaborating with you on that web project quits, you simply run out of money for your hobby, nobody reads your beautiful webcomic/blog/whathaveyou, yadda yadda blah.

Real-Life-Disease is deadly for your Internet avatar. Worse - the longer you stay away from the web, the lower the chance you go back to it. To avoid the where-have-you-been-questions, because do you really want to talk about that awful breakup with your partner you just barely weathered? Or because whatever drew you into that particular web corner isn't just so interesting anymore. Admit it. The novelty's worn off, and you're bored.

Never say this will never happen to you, because it will. And probably, it has. Think back to the webpages you used to check regularly one year ago. Two years ago. Five years ago.

To be honest, I'm not surprised I left this blog unguarded, so to speak. But I am quite shocked that in the last twelve months, I haven't been able to write more than one blog post, and about a dozen half-assed attempts still rotting in my blog post buffer. No fanfiction. No programming project (for fun, I mean). No short story. No nothing.
Which is strange, because: I really like writing. I do. It's my creative outlet. More importantly, it's my source of stress relief. And I really could use that at the moment, considering:

  • I've finally managed, after seven fucking long years, to acquire my diploma in Computer Science and Business, (BOOYA, MOTHERFUCKER!)
  • and I'm now employed as a system analyst and make, in my opinion, a real cool amount of money every month. At least, compared to the jobs I've had before, and the jobs my friends and relatives have at the moment.

So, I would have so many many reasons to bitch about work, uni, finishing uni, or the fact that the fucktards at the uni administration managed to lose my goddamn diploma certificate - TWICE - but for some reason, I didn't feel like posting about it. It isn't even that I don't have the time left to write something, I just didn't. Weird.

Is that what happens if you turn thirty? All the Creativity and Fun gets sucked out of you, and whats left is the perfect work drone for your employer? *shudder* I hope not. Let that be a lesson to you kids - don't let THEM ever talk you into accepting that you're older than sixteen, or you could end up like meeeeeeee! *zombie shuffle* *people fleeing in terror*

So what's the point of this blog post you ask, dear reader? Bah, since when do I need a point? Oh yeah, this time. I wanna thank WyattChris, Storygirl83, tim and chrishalliwellfan for administering CPR to my web persona by congratulating me on my birthday - which was a frickin' month ago, and I didn't even notice. Thanks guys - you got me thinking.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This article really does apply to me and is SO true.. Used to visit TCS & FanFiction.Net like multiple times a day a couple of years ago (when I was still in High School), now it's like once every month, if not less...

And that also explains why I missed your birthday. ^^" Sorry about that. I wish you a happy belated birthday, Teshik! Hope you had a good time on your birthday despite the Real Life Disease or the fact that you forgot your own birthday... if I got that right from your post.

Anyways, I enjoyed reading your blog entry as usual. Sometimes I wonder though whether I'm actually supposed to enjoy it or not. The actual thing you're writing about isn't always as pleasing to go through, but I love your writing and the way you put everything. Just so you know, that is what I enjoy most about your posts.

Looking forward to your next entry, whenever you post that (no rush). ;)

